Big Cat, Little Fox is getting read in classrooms! This is exciting for me, as there’s nothing like the energy of a classroom! The students bring this story to life as they learn many literacy and life skills!
This book can be used for…
- Character traits, and how the character changes through the story.
- Beginning, middle, end
- Problem, solution
- Self-esteem
- Synonyms
- Art – this is a fun book for students to illustrate their own version of some pages. The illustrations themselves are a study of art and movement, realism.
- Classroom movement – there are a lot of ways in which to build movement into the reading of the book, increasing engagement and comprehension of higher level vocabulary.
- descriptive vocabulary
- music vocabulary
- dance vocabulary
- animal movement vocabulary (turkey strutting, etc.)
- Story Theater – This book lends itself well for students to write a story theater due to its repetition and multiple characters with easy lines. Students can make their own masks, etc.